Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed pudding makes for a great breakfast or snack. Chia seed pudding can be customized any way you like it by adding fruit, nuts, nut butter, sweetener, or anything else you’d like. I prefer to use almond milk, but any type of milk will do. I also like to add some sort of sweetener and vanilla because chia seeds don’t have any flavor, but this isn’t necessary. The pudding can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Chia seeds are full of antioxidants, and they’re high in fiber, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are good for digestion, but it’s important not to consume too many at once as this can do more harm than good for your digestion. This is because of the fiber. Soaking the chia seeds allows your body to easily digest them and to absorb the nutrients better. This recipe calls for two tablespoons of chia seeds which are about one serving, so if you want to double or triple the recipe, you can, but don’t consume more than one serving at a time. 


  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ tablespoon maple syrup, honey, or sweetener of choice
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla (optional)
  • Toppings of choice: fruit, nut butter, nuts, granola, cinnamon, coconut, etc.


  1. Add all the ingredients to a mason jar or bowl and mix them together.
  2. Put in the refrigerator and let sit overnight. 
  3. When ready to eat, stir, and add any toppings you’d like.
  1. Melissa Mitchell

    Hi Gia,

    Thanks so much for a great recipe. I have celiac disease, and am always looking for easy, gluten free and good tasting recipes. This ticks all of the boxes! Thank you!

  2. Aubrey

    Great to have a base recipe for this dish!! I’ll for sure be giving some of those topping suggestions a try!

  3. Kay

    Wow! So simple!! I always have plenty of fruits at home so I need to get some Chia seeds to try this. Never really cared for them before but thanks to your post!

  4. Myrka

    Yumm, I’m having this for breakfast tomorrow! So simple!

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