The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is something I have become more aware of and started to use over the past couple of years, and it seems to be gaining more popularity now.  

What is it?

For those who don’t know, the law of attraction is when you use your mind to attract things into your life. The energy we put out determines what we receive. If we focus our minds on positive thoughts and have positive feelings, then we attract positive things into our lives. The law of attraction allows us to create our reality.

You probably learned in science class that atoms make up everything and that everything is constantly vibrating. Every single thing has a vibration, but some things have higher vibrations than others.

For example, rap music has a low vibration, while classical music has a high vibration. Even people vibrate at different frequencies.

When we experience joy, love, or peace, we are at a high vibration, but when we are experiencing things like anxiety, shame, grief, fear, or sadness, we are at a lower vibrational frequency. We can change our vibrations through what we think, how we act, and what we feel. 

Like attracts likes. When we are at a high vibration, we attract other high vibration things into our lives, and when we are at a low vibration, we attract low vibration things into our lives.

You may have experienced this when one bad thing after another happens, and you have a terrible day. This happens because we feel those low vibration feelings and put out negative energy into the universe, so we receive back more negative energy, creating a series of lousy events.

You also may have experienced the law of attraction when you’re thinking of someone, and then they call you, or you have a song stuck in your head, and then it plays. 

When I was younger, my mom would always tell me to imagine whatever I wanted to happen and that it would materialize. I remember my mom saying she would do this to get a close parking spot in a crowded lot. I used to be skeptical, but this does work!

The law of attraction can help you to attract anything. You can use it to attract things, money, the way you look, or whatever else you want.

Our thoughts, feelings, and actions determine what we attract into our life. Shifting your mindset can change your life the better and help you to live the life you desire. 

Stay tuned for more information on how to use the law of attraction and incorporate it into your everyday life.