Homemade Almond Butter

If you follow me on Instagram, then you probably know that I love almond butter. I eat it on toast, put it on top of smoothies, make cookies, and use it to make almond milk for matcha lattes (my favorite). After I make my almond butter, I always add some water to the food processor and blend it some more to make almond milk with the almond butter still stuck to the sides. 

Recently I’ve been making almond butter from home instead of buying it, and it tastes amazing! I like making my own food because I know the ingredients I am consuming, and sometimes store-bought items can have questionable or unnecessary ingredients. 

You can also add other ingredients to this recipe like cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup, honey, or even cacao powder. 


  • 3 cups raw almonds
  • 3 tablespoons avocado oil (or another neutral flavored oil)
  • ½ teaspoon salt


  1. Spread the almonds out on a baking sheet and toast them for 10 minutes at 350° F.
  2. Let the almonds cool for a few minutes after toasting them, and then add the almonds, oil, and salt to a food processor. 
  3. Blend the ingredients together. Use a tamper to push the ground almonds down the side of the container. If you don’t have one, you can stop blending and use a spatula to push the almonds down. Continue to blend until the almonds become creamy and it looks like almond butter. If the mixture is too clumpy, you can add more oil.
  4. Once everything is blended, transfer the almond butter to a container and store in the fridge for up to two weeks.